Books in Progress

  • Homo Legens: Modes and Moods of Reading. 

Edited Volumes

  • Rivers of the Americas. Co-edited with Uwe Lübken. Special issue of Review of International American Studies (RIAS), vol. 14, no. 1, 2021. Read the full issue.

Journal Articles, Essays, and Book Chapters

  • “Scene d’acqua nella letteratura del Rinascimento americano. Il Maelström di Poe e il lago di Thoreau” [“Water Scenes in American Renaissance Literature: Poe’s Maelström and Thoreau’s Pond”]. Oltreoceano, vol. 22, 2024. 23-35. Read the article.
  • “Pound e/o McLuhan: ideogrammi e mosaici per l’età elettrica” ["Pound and/or McLuhan: Ideograms and Mosaics for the Electric Age"]. La libertà dell'intelligenza. Ezra Pound, un

    intellettuale tra intellettuali. Eds. Roberta Capelli and Alice Ducati. Milan: Ares, 2023. 17-43. Order the bookRead a review by Luca Gallesi in Il Giornale. Read a review by  Mario Baudino in La Stampa. Read a review by Simone Paliaga in Avvenire

  • "Sesso, mediasfera e short fiction  ai tempi del #MeToo: 'Cat Person' di Kristen Roupenian" ["Sex, Mediasphere, and Short Fiction in the Time of #MeToo: Kristen Roupenian's 'Cat Person'"]. Iperstoria, vol. 20, 2022. 199-212. Read the article.
  • "Tre lettori di Pound nell'Italia di oggi: Agamben, Montesano, Magris" ["Three  Readers of Pound in Contemporary Italy: Agamben, Montesano, Magris"]. Annali  di Ca'  Foscari. Serie occidentale, vol. 56, 2022. 159-176. Read the article.
  • "Crisi Americane: Paine, Hawthorne, Thoreau" ["American Crises: Paine, Hawthorne, Thoreau"]. Lingue, Culture, Mediazioni, vol. 9, no. 1, 2022. 125-139. Read the article.

  • “Gli zoomanti: insegnare la letteratura americana ai tempi del Covid-19” [“Zoomers: Teaching American Literature in the Time of Covid-19”]. Altre Modernità, vol. 27, 2022. 213-224. Read the article.
  • “‘Down beside Where the Waters Flow’: Reclaiming Rivers for American Studies.” Co-authored with Uwe Lübken. Rivers of the Americas, special issue of Review of International American Studies (RIAS), vol. 14, no. 1, 2021.  13-24. Read the article.
  • “Philip K. Dick e l’alba delle macchine antropomimetiche: penso, dunque sono… ma che cosa?" [“Philip K. Dick and the Dawn of the Anthropomimetic Machines: I Think, Therefore I Am... What?"]. Umanesimo e rivolta in Blade Runner. Ridley Scott vs Philip K. Dick. Eds. Alessandro Clericuzio, Giorgio Pangaro, and Luigi Cimmino. Bari: Rubbettino, 2015. 33-45.  Read an excerpt.
  • “Toward an American Hauntology: Intermedial Ghosts in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior and Louise Erdrich’s Tracks.” Europe Facing Inter-Asian Cultural, Literary, Historical and Political Situations. Eds.  Elisabetta Marino and Lina Unali. Rome: UniversItalia, 2014. 197-209. Read an excerpt. 
  • "Native American Responses to America: William Apess and Leslie Marmon Silko.” Narrating American Gender and Ethnic Identities. Eds. Aleksandra Rozalska and Grazyna Zygadlo. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2013. 209-216. Read an excerpt. 
  • "Tracce spettrali. Scrittura, gender e memoria nei racconti di fantasmi di Edith Wharton  ["Spectral Traces: Writing, Gender, and Memory in Edith Wharton’s Ghost Stories”]. Ácoma: International Journal of North-American Studies, n.s., vol. 1, 2011. 125-133. Read the abstract.
  • “Fluid Destiny: Memory and Signs in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49." Against the Grain: Reading Pynchon's Counternarratives. Ed. Sascha Pöhlmann. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010. 251-262. Read an excerpt.